Tooth Colored Braces: Colored braces made of clear ceramic which are alternative to metal braces.
Coloured braces blend in with the natural colour of your teeth
These are least noticeable, which makes you smile with confidence.
Patients often report greater comfort and less gum irritation than with traditional braces traditional braces
Treatment period of orthodontic teeth corrections with tooth colored braces may vary on an average of 12-24 months with regular checkup and adjustment intervals on an average 8-12 weeks.
Advantages of using tooth colored braces :
• colored braces made of strong ceramic and so are durable.
• colored braces aesthetically pleasing increasing confidence to carry out regular social activates.
Maintenance of tooth colored braces :
• Proper oral hygiene maintenance is must.
• It is advisable to brush teeth under treatment every time after meal.
Biting hard on chewy foods may damage or dislodges these colored braces from tooth surface, so better avoid hard chewy foods.